The digital revolution and the labour economics of automation: A review


  • Nick Deschacht KU Leuven


Automation, Labour market, Digital revolution, Occupational change


This paper reviews the economic literature about the effects of the digital revolution on the labour market, and provides a non-technical introduction to the labour economics of automation. It conceptualizes the digital revolution and describes how recent technological trends, such as robotics, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and the platform economy, affect specific occupations. It reviews the main economic theories and the empirical evidence of how automation affects labour demand, the occupational structure and the work task composition of occupations. It discusses the consequences of this occupational change for labour market outcomes such as wages, inequality, job quality and unemployment. The paper concludes with a discussion of the main avenues for further research.



How to Cite

Deschacht, N. (2021). The digital revolution and the labour economics of automation: A review. ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy, 1, 8. Retrieved from