On the emergence and design of AI nudging: the gentle big brother?


  • Dirk Wagner Karlshochschule International University


AI nudging, artificially intelligent digital nudging, behavioural economics, choice-architecture, design-thinking, digital nudging, nudge


For more than a decade, ideas and concepts from behavioural economics have been spreading and become more and more influential in politics, business and civil society. Decision-makers in all sectors have become choice architects who aim to nudge people to make supposedly better decisions. More recently, analogue techniques have largely been superseded by digital nudging supported by artificial intelligence, i.e. artificially intelligent digital nudging. This viewpoint sketches key concepts as well as opportunities and risks. It shows that to be able to exploit the underlying combination of social and technical innovations, organizations can develop the necessary key competencies through recruiting and training talent but also by adopting ideation techniques like design-thinking.



How to Cite

Wagner, D. (2021). On the emergence and design of AI nudging: the gentle big brother?. ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy, 2, 18. Retrieved from https://journal.robonomics.science/index.php/rj/article/view/18